Why spread fake news?

Mat Steuer
2 min readApr 12, 2021

Fake News has recently been a hot topic and cause for people’s mistrust in articles and news, causing them to fact check every article they read. Fake News often is very similar in style to genuine and authentic news, with slight twists and misinformation that seems right on the money depending on the person willing to chomp on their bate, but completely false in their reporting. Below is some assistance on how to identify and prevent falling into the trappings of fake news. Use this story as a guide next time you find yourself second guessing the news you read.

Don’t forget to Stop, Think, and then decide to share or not share based on your research on the topic you are reading about. It is best to be your own advocate when it comes to combating false information.

Facebook is helping people in Papua New Guinea identify and combat health misinformation. This is important because of the severity believing health misinformation can be on your actual health and well-being.

When reading articles, check for sources that are parallel with claims from your original source. Take The Onion for example, although a very funny and satirical “news” site, all of their stories are to make you laugh, not make you believe them…Only the gullible ones do.

Check out this video from FactCheck.org!

BBC Short on the origin of the term “fake news” from Facebook!

ViceNews official on Instagram relays genuine stories, geographically linking them to the origin of the story, in this case, Minneapolis Minnesota.

In conclusion, taking information these days at face value and not relying on secondary sources is foolish, and can often make you fall victim to falsified information. Being on guard, identifying false information and news, and then taking it a step further to report that news or media outlet, creates a more secure and sound environment for honest journalism to thrive.

